Hydrological calculations rely on previous river studies and are generally less accurate than hydraulic methods. However, they require fewer and simpler input parameters, such as flow discharge and occurrence time, making them a practical choice when detailed hydraulic data is unavailable.
The hydrological calculations module in STE offers the following features:
- Unlimited data entry for each project file.
- Flexible data filtering by river name, cross-section, year, month, day, and more.
- Advanced data filtering techniques to enhance regression line fitting and artificial neural network (ANN) training.
- Outlier detection and removal for improved analysis accuracy.
- Regression line fitting using:
- Single-line sediment rating curves (e.g., USBR) with correction coefficient support.
- Multi-line sediment rating curves (e.g., S-curves) with models such as FAO, QMLE, and MVUE.
- Smart data classification using a genetic algorithm to optimize standard deviation reduction (SDR).
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN) training for sediment load prediction.
- Sediment load estimation via sediment rating curves and trained ANNs for enhanced accuracy.
This module provides users with powerful data analysis tools to improve hydrological sediment transport estimations efficiently and effectively.